Ok, apparently this is the type of drawing (genre) that I have a talent for (as I am told) so I have decided to create a blog where I can post some of my work and get a little critique on. Oh my parents would be so proud of me. Anyway I hope you enjoy some of the art that I display here. Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, your own art, etc. I really would like to use this as a way to reach out to other artist that appreciate a voluptuous female form and know how to express that appreciation through different artistic mediums. Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Slipping off the Nightgown

Greetings From Utah: The Utah Mare

Even though I am primarily a penciler by my own definition I every now and again will be inspired to grab my Wacom and do a little inking and color work in Photoshop. The Utah Mare was a piece I drew that I thought would be complimented with some background photography. The result is the first in a series of "Greetings From...." anthropomorphic postcards I'm working on.